General Information
Many women requesting this surgery are troubled by the heaviness and the droopiness of breasts. They may occasionally lead to other symptoms like: neck pain, upper back pain, shoulder discomfort and rarely skin infections under the breasts. It should be emphasised that breast reduction should not be considered as a shortcut to weight reduction. In fact, if the body weight is disproportionate to the patient’s height (the body mass index over 30) it is advised not to embark on a breast reduction surgery. Studies have shown that there is an increased risk of wound infection, delay in healing and other risks from the anaesthesia in such patients requesting breast reduction surgery. In appropriately selected and counselled patients this is a very rewarding procedure and the patients notice a significant improvement in their lifestyle and ability to choose and wear more appropriate clothing. It must be said that for some women who feel that their breasts are heavy, an appropriate bra fitting itself may remove the symptoms and they may never require an operation.
Procedure Related Information
Points To Note